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The ideas in this section should be all about discovery.  You are able to dip in and out of them when required as they are not sequential. They promote experimentation and do not point towards an end product.  What is very important to consider through all these activities, is that everyone will approach composition in their own way.  

As a teacher, it is helpful to recognise that the approach taken with pupils will differ greatly depending, not only on the style of music that is being composed, but more importantly the social, economic and cultural background of the pupils.

The featured ideas can be used in a number of ways.  They could be used as starting points to help generate ideas to help get a composition off the ground.  They may  provide a catalyst for the development of ideas. 


Some of the ideas may also work together through being combined.  Try taking a melody idea, add it to a harmony and rhythm idea and see what happens!

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