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Education Scotland - Composition Resource

A resource designed to support the development of a progressive approach to teaching composition skills from early years onwards.

Thinking Creatively in Sound - N.I Curriculum

Resources to support creative approaches to music making.  They are progressive across levels.

BBC Two - Tips for Young Composers

Video clips designed to support young composers across a range of genres.

Composing Music - Class Clips

Video clips from BBC Bitesize designed to support young composers across a range of different genres.

The Art of Composing

This is a collection of links and resources to help develop skills in composition.

Pro Audio Files

Web resource looking at a range of different aspects of creative music making and music technology

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I-Create project

A website promoting the development of creativity skills.  

Hidden Giants

One of the countries leading creative education consultancy agencies.

Creativity Portal

The Creativity Portal is a one-stop shop for teachers, community learning leaders and educators across lifelong learning.

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