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Our own capital

One of the many aspects that is worth considering when developing courses around composition is the life experiences which a composer young or old brings to their work. We all bring different social, cultural, and economic capital to the table when we are undertaking a creative activity. We ignore this at our peril as true creativity finds this place as the starting point from which to grow and develop. There is a reason that musical style and culture develops in certain areas in certain ways, be it Vienna as the center of the Classical movement, Seattle as the centre of Grunge music or Louisanna as the home of the Blues, social, cultural and economic capital will be behind the individuals, not only composing, but living and breathing in the style. The term which sums this up is the social theory term 'Habitus,' coined Bordieu in the late '80's.

So what does this mean in reality? It would not be beneficial or even appropriate to be digging in to the backgrounds of all the young people we teach to check on their social, cultural and economic status. However, it is beneficial to provide composition activities and starting points which will naturally allow these experiences to show themselves. It is important that composition for young people is honest and provides them with the opportunity to develop their own compositional voice and sound. This takes time, but it is worth it. It is an honest representation of where they are as young creative musicians. It is playing the long game approach. Sure it can be fairly straight forward to impose a set of rules for young composers to ensure a tangible outcome. A step by step, use this scale over these chords, make the first section 8 bars, followed by a second section of 8 bars, make sure you add in a sequence and counter melody, may in the end produce a piece of music, but chances are it will not be the honest music that the young person would want to be writing. The music that comes from within based on their 'Habitus,' will, in time, help them to make connections, understand their process and compose music that to them, has real meaning.

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